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Clean Beauty

Updated: Feb 2, 2022


Does my brand need to be clean is the question I hear often from clients.

The short answer is yes. Why not? If it's COGs, let's talk.

Being a clean brand does not mean it needs to be your marketing focus but why wouldn't you want to keep hormone causing ingredients out of your product and tell there world?

There are 1300 cosmetic ingredients banned in the EU and and handful in the the USA. The US will follow suit, slowly (decades) but surely. Who's Shirley?

No need to make CLEAN your products benefit either. I see a lot of brands lean into clean as their brand id and its too generic. It should be a part of the brand DNA and category development but does not need to be the fear mongering days of 5 years ago. Tell them the benefits of those great clean ingredients and stop focusing on why you should not use the dirty ingredients. Access your community to share that info.

Focusing on the dirty has just confused the guest, client and customer.

We have heard all the stories of a brand founder, pregnant at their kitchen table making their own clean skincare due to toxins in their olde skincare. Moms' is a market no one taps enough. Ladies, am I right?

Clean ingredients are paving the way for new catagories too. Gen X is going through menopause y'all and many Millennials are on their second millennial pink kid! We don't want the chemicals. There is still so much category space to grow clean skincare and makeup.

Also, I must remind you that Gen X still has the spending power and not to forget about this group while you try to figure out TikTok. (They are there too. I promise)

Some good news for your investors and CFO's...your customer is smart and they want clean ingredients, your retailers have several marketing programs for clean brands and come with perks,features and strong POD's.

I'll have to do a detailed post on all of California's upcoming ingredient bans but I am sure your manufactures are aware. Right? Let's talk.

Its going to be a cleaner cosmetics world sooner than you know so get on the electric self driving car and come along for the ride!

Looking to go clean but not sure where to start or if it really is right for your brand? Let's chat.

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